Saturday, June 7, 2014

From a Transaction to a Transformation

Safari is a bar in the Patpong district. It's not one of the ones that really stands out. The women are much older on average. There are women there in their 60s. Thanks to your donations we made a visible impact on the ladies at Safari.
Because of your willingness to help, we had additional money that allowed us to do a pizza party for women in the red light district on Thursday afternoon.  We hosted them at Rahab. 6 or 7 women from Safari attended.
In total we had about 20 women from bars attend. To start out we went around the room to do introductions. One by one they had to stand and sing a little jingle and do a silly dance move. Here are women who seem to have no sense of shame, who dance on stages each night and get completely vulnerable in front of strange men - nervous about standing up, saying their name and doing a silly dance move. Anytime you remind them of their humanity they become a person again with all of the same emotions that any of us would have. 
Our team did a skit that showed that regardless what you have done God loves you and is there for you.  It was a quick skit but powerful for several of the ladies because they could relate to the emotions. Then one of the ladies from our team shared her story. She had worked in a strip club when she was younger and God had drastically changed her life. You could see the connection as she talked about how she felt working in that environment. 
5 of the women gave their lives to God at the party and most of them were from Safari. Rahab will continue to work with these ladies and others on a transition plan out of the sex trade. 
Tonight when we walked by Safari we were greeted by a host of smiling and excited ladies. I know I've said it over and over, but I can't express enough how much love can change an environment.  There is a reason God gave the great commandment. The Golden Rule is golden for a reason. A few friendship bracelets, some neon plastic crosses and a smile can tear down walls that are hard to comprehend even when you are doing it.

Two of the ladies who came to our pizza party. We will continue to pray for them.  Photo by Kristen Torres-Toro

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