Sunday, May 4, 2014

Be Strong and Courageous

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous.  Do not be afraid; Do not be discouraged,  for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9

Today I checked the mail to find my packet from AIM with my t-shirt that I am to wear to be identified at the airport by the driver that will be picking us up.  Because of the Delta flight schedule out of Atlanta, I will actually arrive to Bangkok 24 hours before the team is scheduled. I get into the country around midnight on Saturday.  I will then need to get transportation to a hotel and meet the team the following day.  Of all the things I will face on this trip this is the one piece I find most uncomfortable.  Yes, I'm sure it sounds a bit crazy that this is the one thing. Once I get my bearings and meet a few people I will be much more comfortable. 

See I signed up for this trip without knowing anyone on it and I found the organization through Google. I have had a passion for those trapped in human trafficking and have wanted to do something to actively help them.  Few organizations (I couldn't find any other) allow you to get this close to the problem during a short term trip.  Most want a commitment of 3-6 months, so I was very grateful to find AIM.  

The package also included a journal that started with the verse Joshua 1:9, which I entered above.  Several people have been concerned about my safety and I appreciate the concern and ask for their prayers before and during the trip. A couple years ago I came down with bacterial pneumonia, which led to a blood infection.  God used this time to cause me to evaluate my life and it's purpose.  I had gotten a bit off track. When I die I want to leave a legacy. I want my funeral to be a celebration of a life lived to impact others and the future.  There is danger in our everyday life. We just have to trust God to get us through it.  The safest place you can be on Earth is where God has a purpose for you. 

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