Monday, May 26, 2014

Last Weekend to Prep

My last weekend before the trip was a great one! I was very productive Friday night paying in advance any bills that would come due while I am gone and making sure all my personal things are ready for the trip. Saturday I went for a much needed haircut and purchased some supplies. I bought some of the most trendy pants you will see in Thailand.  I figured why not? :-) Trust me, you will know them when you see them. I got to spend some much needed time relaxing with friends and family Saturday, Sunday and Monday. It was a great way to spend my Memorial Day weekend and get ready for the trip.

An email came in tonight from our trip leader saying all was a go. We were continuing on, but would do so with caution.  That is an answer to prayer. Now I pray for God to keep us safe and let us make a difference. 

Three more work days and then I'm off!

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