Saturday, May 3, 2014

The Beginning

It's Saturday night.  I just read my first emails from our trip leader.  The reality is starting to set in and I am getting excited.    

As I sit here I reflect on each of the people who have contributed to my trip.  Thanks to so many donors we will be able to make a greater impact than anticipated during our time in Thailand and thereafter.  When I first created my fundraising site I remember it said I had 53 days until my trip.  I was about 15 days away from the deadline to have the minimum amount raised.  I was a little stressed, but I told God "this is what you wanted me to do and therefore I know you will make a way, even if that means me having to figure it out on my own."  

The next morning I woke up and someone had already donated.  I was surprised and delighted when I looked down at my phone and saw "Anonymous - $1,000."  It was like God giving me a sign that it's going to be okay.  Within the first 24 hours of posting my fundraising site, you had helped me raise enough money to cover my portion of the minimum to go to Thailand.  

Since then so many people have stepped up and been a blessing of encouragement.  Donnie Johnston and his wife Jennifer wanted their t-shirts early so that they could wear to a trafficking awareness event they were attending in Gainesville.  Ross Myers made me aware of another organization that is purchasing children and arresting those who are selling them.  The stories could go on and on.

I have to give a big thanks to Cami and Charles Gregg.  They are hosting a BBQ fundraiser for my trip on May 17th and donating an iPad Mini for a raffle item.  They are such an amazing couple with an incredible heart.  I am so thankful they came into my life back in 2006.  

I will try to update the blog regularly leading up to my trip and while I am in Thailand.  Thank you for joining me on this journey.  

Be Blessed.


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